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MSCRM 2011 endpoints

Written by Stéphane Dorrekens
Tuesday, 22 November 2011 10:08

I got a query today about which endpoints are available on the dynamics CRM 2011 platform, as I couldn't find the information in one place (it seems to be distributed all around the SDK documentation); I did a small summary and as usual put in here to benefit the folks ;)

btw: Here's a link to a compliance chart of WCF vs other web services platform than .NET.

Service Platform Protocol Description Tasks
Discovery WCF SOAP 1.2 information about the organizations availables RetrieveUser, RetrieveOrganization
Endpoint:<Discovery Server URL>/XRMServices/2011/Discovery.svc
Organization WCF SOAP 1.2 access to the business data and metadata CRUD, Associate, Dissociate, Metadata, Execute
Endpoint: <organization URL>/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc
Organization Data WCF REST
Open data (JSON/Atom)
access to the business data (only for web ressources/no authentication) CRUD,Associate,Dissociate
Endpoint: <organization URL>/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc
Web Ressource WCF SOAP 1.2 access to the business data and metadata (only for web ressources/no authentication) CRUD Associate, Dissociate, Metadata, Execute
Endpoint: <organization URL>/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc/web
Deployment WCF SOAP 1.2 access to the deployment properties RUD, Execute
Endpoint: <servername>/xrmdeployment/2011/deployment.svc
CRM 4.0
ASMX SOAP 1.1 access to the business data All CRM 4.0 Platform messages on data
Endpoint: <servername>/MSCrmServices/2007/CrmService.asmx
CRM 4.0 MetaData ASMX SOAP 1.1 access to the business metadata All CRM 4.0 Platform messages on metadata
Endpoint: <servername>/MSCrmServices/2007/Metadata.asmx